- Home ACADEMICUndergraduate ProgramsCollege of Science and Engineering
- Department of Chemistry and Biological Science
Department of Chemistry and Biological Science
- MENU -
Students research the structure and nature of substances and closely examine the wonders of life phenomena.
"Chemistry" is a field of study whose research covers the nature of substances as well as their potentialities starting from the molecular level. Building on this foundation, "Biological Science" seeks to understand the nature of life by investigating the nature of biological molecules and their interactions in actions.
Today, the studies on these two closely related fields are influential and the Department challenges the sciences for the contribution to environment,resources, life and information, and the engineering for the industries which advance in the welfare of humankind and in the building of better society. Thus, students study the five basic areas of, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and biological science. By doing so, we aim to support students in becoming researchers or engineers who can cover diverse areas, to cultivate knowledge, technology and methodologies fit for a technical expert, and to assist in their ability to execute flexible analyses. We have prepared a curriculum that can respond to students' motivation to study by implementing suitable lectures on such topics from the basic science to cutting-edge researches, several experiment-based courses for students to conduct tasks on their own in courses where they can practice in society or industries.
Campus of Attendance
First Year to Fourth Year :
Lists lecture subjects (mandatory and required electives)
Required Credits for Graduation / 138 Credits
Mathematics・Common subjects
Subjects | |
Required Electives |
■1st year Physics Ⅰ・Ⅱ Chemistry Ⅰ・Ⅱ Analysis IA・IB Linear Algebra IA・IB ■2nd year Chemistry Ⅲ Analysis Ⅱ Linear Algebra Ⅱ・Ⅲ Mathematics Ⅱ ■3rd year Complex Analysis I Differential Equations I Mathematics Ⅰ |
Electives |
■2nd year Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Modern Physics Cybernetics ■3rd year Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals of Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Mathematics・Common subjects
Subjects | |
Required |
■1st year Basic Experimental Physics Ⅰ・Ⅱ Basic Experiments in Chemistry Basic Experiments in Electric Engineering Practical Work of Monozukuri (Shop-floor Technology) Introduction to Computer Programming |
Required Electives |
■1st year Exercises in Mathematics A・B ■2nd year Exercises in Mathematics I・Ⅱ Exercise Session (Analysis Ⅱ) Exercise Session (Differential Equations I) ■3rd year Exercise Session (Complex Analysis I) |
Specialized Experiments
Subjects | |
Required |
■2nd year Experiments in Inorganic Chemistry Experiments in Analytical Chemistry Experiments in Physical Chemistry ■3rd year Experiments in Organic Chemistry Experiments in Biological Science Ⅰ |
Seminar・Graduation Thesis
Subjects | |
Required |
■3rd year Seminar on Chemical and Biological Topics I ■4th year Seminar on Chemical and Biological Topics Ⅱ・Ⅲ Graduation Thesis Research Ⅰ・Ⅱ |
Required ElectivesⅠ
Subjects | |
Required Electives |
■1st year Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry A Organic Chemistry A Biological Science A ■2nd year Physical Chemistry A・B・C Inorganic Chemistry B・C Organic Chemistry B・C Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Biological Science B・C ■3rd year Quantum Chemistry I・Ⅱ Laser Photochemistry and Spectroscopy Inorganic Chemistry D Electrochemistry Organic Chemistry D Bioorganic Chemistry Organic Synthesis Biological Science D・E |
Required ElectivesⅡ
Subjects | |
Required Electives |
■2nd year Mathematical Chemistry Inorganic Material Chemistry Solution Chemistry Basic Physics Basic Chemistry Earth Sciences Bioinformatics & Biomolecules Biomembranes Exercise in Chemical Information Processing Basic Experiments in Earth Sciences ■3rd year Applied Probability Theory and Statistics and Error Analysis Coordination Chemistry Polymer Chemistry Stereochemistry Chemical Engineering Molecular Structure Analysis Topics in Current Chemistry Topics in Biological Science Genetics Bioinformatics Metabolic Regulation Biophysics Biotechnology Chemical Biology Experiments in Biological Science Ⅱ Internship ■4th year Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
The Aoyama Standard Subjects
1st - 4th year :
School-wide universal education system where experts in wide-ranging academic fields transcending the framework of colleges/schools and departments stimulate interest in learning and provide guidance.
Foreign Language Required Subjects
[ 1st Foreign Language ] 1st year :
English Core I-a, I-b, I-c, I-d
2nd year :
English Core II-a, II-b, II-c, II-d
3rd year :
Active Speaking Skills A, B , Advanced Skills A, B , English Comprehension A, B , English for Engineers A, B , Study Abroad A, B
Free Elective Subjects
1st - 4th year :
Students can freely select from departmental subjects, Aoyama Standard Subjects, Foreign Language Subjects (take at least minimum credits required), subjects of other departments in the College of Science and Engineering, as well as subjects offered by other colleges.