Department of Integrated Information Technology

Students conduct research on technology that is friendly to human beings by merging and accumulating wisdom about information and knowledge.

As we can see in the development of the World Wide Web, IT (information technology) is commonly regarded as a tool for increasing convenience and speed. However, the Department has named itself the "Integrated Information Technology Department" because it views IT as something that is to be used in the development of a sound society, and because it conducts research on such technology for the welfare of human beings in areas such as reliability, safety and comfort. With the goal of realizing a technology that can easily be used by everyone, and for bringing about societies, companies and households in which human beings and machines/systems can co-exist, the Department provides three academic fields: "Software Technology" for fields including artificial intelligence and natural language processing; "Mechatronics Technology," which is characterized by robots; and "Human Factor Technology," which is a field of study from the perspective of human factors in engineering and welfare. Through these academic areas, we are making discoveries in new theories and making practical proposals. Faculty members include leading figures in network technology as well as many people with on-site work experience, so students can study while receiving practical instruction.

Campus of Attendance

First Year to Fourth Year :


Of specialized subjects, lists subjects for Subject Groups 1 and 2 and electives

Required Credits for Graduation / 136 Credits
Mathematics・Common subjects
Required ■1st year
Discrete MathematicsⅠ(in English)
Required Electives ■1st year
Linear Algebra IA・IB
Analysis IA・IB
Exercises in Mathematics A・B
Physics I ・Ⅱ
Chemistry I ・II
■2nd year
Linear Algebra Ⅱ・Ⅲ
Analysis Ⅱ
Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Differential Equations I
Exercise Session (Analysis Ⅱ)
Exercise Session (Differential Equations I)
Exercises in Mathematics I ・Ⅱ
Chemistry Ⅲ
Modern Physics
■3rd year
Complex Analysis I
Exercise Session (Complex Analysis I)
Specialized Experiments・Practical Work
Required ■1st year
Hands-on Exercises of Information Technology
Basic Experimental Physics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Basic Experiments in Chemistry
Basic Experiments in Electric Engineering
Practical Work of Monozukuri (Shop-floor Technology)
Introduction to Computer Programming
■2nd year
Computer Programming
Projects in Information Technology Ⅰ
Projects in Computer Systems Operation
■3rd year
Projects in Information Technology Ⅱ
Information Technology Laboratory Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ
Electives ■2nd year
Exercises in Mathematics for Information Technology
■3rd year
Seminar・Graduation Thesis
Required ■3rd year
Seminar in Information Technology Ⅰ・Ⅱ
■4th year
Graduation Thesis Research Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Advanced Practical Research in Science and Technology Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Subject Group 1
Required ■1st year
Introduction to Computer Systems
■2nd year
Discrete MathematicsⅡ
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
Data Structures and Algorithms
Software Design
Human-Computer Interaction
Multimedia Engineering
Probability and Statistics for Information Technology
Required Electives ■2nd year
Automatic Control and Control Programming
Information Security
Digital Media Design
Exercises in Mathematics for Information Technology
Engineering Mechanics
Combinatorial Optimization I
Thermodynamics and Exercises
Fluid Dynamics and Exercises
Operations Research Ⅰ・Ⅱ
■3rd year
Information Network(in English)
Information Technology and Society
Basic Signal Theory
Mechanical Dynamics and Exercises
Strength of MaterialsⅠ and Exercises
Multivariate Statistical Analysis I ・Ⅱ
Applied Statistical Methods(in English)
Applications of System Engineering
Subject Group 2
Required Electives ■2nd year
Electrical Measurement System
Production and Operations Management I
Decision Making
■3rd year
Language Theory and Compiler
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Database
Cognitive Psychology
Advanced Interface Technology
Biological Information Engineering
Control of Mechanical System
Mechanical Vibrations
Nonlinear Electronic Circuits
Computer and Digital Systems Ⅱ
Workshop on Modeling
Corporate Finance
Foundations of System Engineering
Programming Technologies(in English)
Engineering Economy(in English)
Business Economics
Quality Management Technology
Topics of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Geographical Information Processing(in English)
Experimental Design(in English)
Elective Subjects
Electives ■2nd year
Engineering Dynamics
Introduction to Materials Science
Applied Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Special Lecture on Industrial and Systems Engineering
Introduction to Data Analysis
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Ethical issues in information-based society
Carrier planning in information discipline
■3rd year
Mechanical Technology and Society
Precision Machining
Computational Mechanics
Practical Machine Learning
Practicum in Science and Technology Ⅲ・Ⅳ
■4th year
Production System Design(in English)
Financial Management(in English)
Game Theory
The Aoyama Standard Subjects
1st - 4th year :

School-wide universal education system where experts in wide-ranging academic fields transcending the framework of colleges/schools and departments stimulate interest in learning and provide guidance.

Foreign Language Subjects
[ 1st Foreign Language ] 1st year :

English Core I-a, I-b, I-c, I-d

2nd year :

English Core II-a, II-b, II-c, II-d

3rd year :

Active Speaking Skills A, B , Advanced Skills A, B , English Comprehension A, B , English for Engineers A, B , Study Abroad A, B

Free Elective Subjects
1st - 4th year :

Students can freely select from departmental subjects, Aoyama Standard Subjects, Foreign Language Subjects (take at least minimum credits required), subjects of other departments in the College of Science and Engineering, as well as subjects offered by other colleges.