Department of Mechanical Engineering

What kind of manufacturing will sustain the 21st century? We merge hardware and software expertise to increase possibilities for the future.

The Department aims to envisage "mechanical engineering for creating the future." By building on the foundation of mechanical engineering with a central focus on hardware, and by combining this with software technology, we promote our own original type of engineering with the goal of manufacturing things that will enrich peoples' lives. At the core of this is our great mission to realize "the co-existence of human beings and society with nature." Creativity and the capacity for imagination are absolutely necessary for conducting the kind of manufacturing that the 21st century society seeks, which is our ultimate mission.
The Department has prepared a curriculum that emphasizes real experience, where students study while experiencing the joy of planning and creating on their own, so that each student can obtain the abovementioned type of abilities. First year students take an entry-level course in experiential training, so that they can experience the joy of creating familiar objects. In their second and third years, students conduct laboratory work through a program that is unique to our Department. Before their fourth year, students join a research laboratory of their choice, and under the instruction of faculty members who are active in the most advanced areas of research, they will come close to reaching the heart of mechanical engineering.

Campus of Attendance

First Year to Fourth Year :


Of specialized subjects, lists subjects for Subject Groups 1 and 2 and electives

Required Credits for Graduation / 136 Credits
Mathematics・Common subjects
Required Electives ■1st year
Linear Algebra ⅠA・ⅠB
Analysis ⅠA・ⅠB
Exercises in Mathematics A・B
Physics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Chemistry Ⅰ・Ⅱ
■2nd year
Linear Algebra Ⅱ・Ⅲ
Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Differential Equations I
Exercise Session (Analysis Ⅱ)
Exercise Session (Differential Equations I)
Exercises in Mathematics I・Ⅱ
Chemistry Ⅲ
Modern Physics
■3rd year
Complex Analysis I
Exercise Session (Complex Analysis I)
Specialized Experiments・Practical Work
Required ■1st year
Practical Work of Monozukuri (Shop-floor Technology)
Basic Experimental Physics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Basic Experiments in Chemistry
Basic Experiments in Electric Engineering
Introduction to Computer Programming
Hands-on Exercises of Mechanical Engineering
■2nd year
Fundamental drawing
Machine Element Design
Computer Programming Ⅰ・Ⅱ
■3rd year
Machine Design and Drawing
Required Electives ■2nd year
Individual Project
Laboratory Work AⅠ・AⅡ
Practicum in Science and Technology Ⅱ
■3rd year
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Ⅰ
Laboratory Work BⅠ・BⅡ
Practicum in Science and Technology Ⅳ
Information Technology Laboratory Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Electives ■3rd year
Practical Experience in Industry
Seminar・Graduation Thesis
Required ■3rd year
Mechanical Engineering Seminar Ⅰ・Ⅱ
■4th year
Graduation Thesis Research Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Graduation Thesis Research A
Advanced Practical Research in Science and Technology Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Subject Group 1

Required ■1st year
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Dynamics
■2nd year
Strength of MaterialsⅠ and Exercises
Thermodynamics and Exercises
Mechanical Dynamics and Exercises
Fluid Dynamics and Exercises
Required Electives ■1st year
Discrete MathematicsⅠ(in English)
■2nd year
Applied Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Introduction to Materials Science
Probability Theory and Statistics
Combinatorial Optimization I
Discrete MathematicsⅡ
■3rd year
Precision Machining
Applied Statistical Methods(in English)
Operations Research Ⅰ
Production and Operations Management I
Introduction to Computer Systems
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
Data Structures and Algorithms
Subject Group 2

Required Electives

■2nd year
Strength of Materials Ⅱ
Applied Thermodynamics
Electrical Measurement System
Industrial Engineering
Automatic Control and Control Programming
■3rd year
Viscous Fluid Dynamics
Functional Materials
Control of Mechanical System
Applied Elasticity and Plasticity
Energy Conversion Engineering
Mechanical Vibrations
Fluid Machinery
Kinematics of Machinery and Robot
Heat and Mass Transfer
Compressible Fluid Dynamics
Strength and Fracture of Materials
Computational Mechanics
Production Processing
Mechanical Technology and Society
Multivariate Statistical Analysis I
Special Lecture on Industrial and Systems Engineering
Electives ■2nd year
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Practicum in Science and Technology I
■3rd year
Electromagnetic Waves
Linear Electronic Circuits
Basic Signal Theory
Nonlinear Electronic Circuits
Power Generation and Substation
Quality Management Technology
Engineering Economy(in English)
Experimental Design(in English)
Production and Operations Management Ⅱ(in English)
Operations Research Ⅱ
Multivariate Statistical Analysis II
Business Economics
Applications of System Engineering
Corporate Finance
Game Theory
Software Design
Human-Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive Psychology
Advanced Interface Technology
Biological Information Engineering
Practicum in Science and Technology Ⅲ
Vocational Guidance
■4th year
Power Transmission
Applied Electronics
Production System Design(in English)
Financial Management(in English)
The Aoyama Standard Subjects
1st - 4th year :

School-wide universal education system where experts in wide-ranging academic fields transcending the framework of colleges/schools and departments stimulate interest in learning and provide guidance.

Foreign Language Subjects
[ 1st Foreign Language ] 1st year :

English Core I-a, I-b, I-c, I-d

2nd year :

English Core II-a, II-b, II-c, II-d

3rd year :

Active Speaking Skills A, B , Advanced Skills A, B , English Comprehension A, B , English for Engineers A, B , Study Abroad A, B

Free Elective Subjects
1st - 4th year :

Students can freely select from departmental subjects, Aoyama Standard Subjects, Foreign Language Subjects (take at least minimum credits required), subjects of other departments in the College of Science and Engineering, as well as subjects offered by other colleges.