- MENU -
The Educational Policy of Aoyama Gakuin
Aoyama Gakuin has as its aim education based upon the Christian faith and as its purpose the building up of individuals who live in sincerity before God, who seek for truth with humility, and who actively take responsibility for all people and for society in a spirit of love and service.
The Mission of Aoyama Gakuin University
Aoyama Gakuin University is an educational and research institution based on the Educational Policy of Aoyama Gakuin which is to serve God and people, contributing to society as the Salt of the Earth and Light of the World.
Our institution nurtures individuals who, with a sound understanding based on global perspectives, possess the wisdom and strength with which to discover and solve issues personally. This is achieved through a wide range of barrier free academic research that pursues service and commitment to humanity.
With respect for one another and the traditions of our institution, all faculty members, personnel and students are making an effort towards the creation of a university that can respond to the needs of its era.
Aoyama Gakuin School Motto
Jesus Christ spoke of "The Salt of the Earth,The Light of the World" but this was a proclamation rather than an exhortation. Aoyama Gakuin is founded on the basis of the proclamation that your life is of inestimable value.
The Salt of the Earth: Salt adds taste, prevents spoilage and is used for purification. The human body needs a 0.7% concentration of salt and we must consume 6 grams a day to live. This school will continue to produce individuals who strive to contribute significantly to society, resist corruption, and purify its degradation with creativity and humility.
Light provides brightness and warmth. Light leads people like a guiding light at a lighthouse, and it also disinfects and nourishes. In the same way, this school will forthrightly endeavor to create a robust and energetic society, igniting the spark of hope.
In contrast to its literal meanings, earth and world stand for "a world without God" and "the loss of human dignity." Hence, as the individuals who make up Aoyama Gakuin we are blessed by God as "Salt" and "Light," and we will strive to fulfill our purpose.
Interviews with Alumni
General Manager Japan Air Canada
"A girl’s yearning for foreign countries drives her to work on the global stage"WEISS Kiyo -
International Affairs Division Office of the Governor for Policy Planning Tokyo Metropolitan Government
"Heartwarming hospitality connects Tokyo with the world"KIMURA Emiko -
Representative Director Japan Candle Association
"Deliver the warmth of candle light to many places"KANDA Yu