Department of Mathematical Sciences

At the Department of Mathematical Sciences, students can learn a broad area of mathematical sciences, spanning pure and applied mathematics. The curriculum of the Department of Mathematical Sciences offers comprehensive lectures and a variety of exercise sessions. Students are expected to develop their own career, acquiring the skills to discover and to solve problems along with improving the abilities of logical and critical thinking.

The department offers students an opportunity to experience the joy of thinking

Mathematics has a long history, and it continues to evolve while interacting with other disciplines. At the Department of Mathematical Sciences, faculties conduct research on the frontiers of pure and applied mathematics, and you will be introduced to a vast area of mathematics through the guidance of the faculty. A vast theory of mathematics has been developed historically by an array of mathematicians. The mathematics you will experience at the Department of Mathematical Sciences will help you realize your intellectual curiosity.

"Mathematical Sciences" means not only the mathematics based on rigorous argument but also mathematics as a language describing natural and social sciences that are used to help solve various practical problems. The curriculum of the Department of Mathematical Sciences ranges from fundamental mathematics to applications of mathematics, featuring comprehensive lectures and exercise sessions with discussion and dialogue.

For learning mathematics, it is most important to think things through, and although it is sometimes necessary to perform calculations quickly and to know how to use theorems and formulas, understanding new notions and their implications through an extensive process of trial and error is of the greatest importance for learning mathematics.
In contrast to information that can become outdated, the abilities of logical and critical thinking and the skills to discover and to solve problems, acquired from learning mathematics, do not age.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers you the opportunity to enjoy the vast area of mathematical sciences, spanning pure and applied mathematics, and provides students with a university foundation for both daily life and developing their career.

Campus of Attendance

First Year to Fourth Year :


Lists lecture subjects (mandatory and required electives)

Required Credits for Graduation / 138 Credits
Mathematics・Common subjects
Required ■1st year
Linear Algebra IA・IB
Analysis IA・IB
Required Electives ■1st year
Physics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Chemistry Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Specialized Experiments・Practical Work
Required ■1st year
Basic Experimental Physics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Basic Experiments in Electric Engineering
Practical Work of Monozukuri (Shop-floor Technology)
Introduction to Computer Programming
Exercise Session (Fundamentals of Mathematics Ⅰ)
Exercise Session (Fundamentals of Mathematics Ⅱ)
■2nd year
Exercise in Computer Applications
■3rd year
Fundamentals of Computer Science
Problem Solving Seminar in Advanced Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Problem Solving Seminar in Advanced Mathematics A
Practicum in Science and Technology Ⅲ・Ⅳ
Electives ■1st year
Basic Experiments in Chemistry
■2nd year
Practicum in Science and Technology I・Ⅱ
Seminar・Graduation Thesis
Required ■4th year
Seminar in Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Seminar in Mathematics A
Graduation Thesis Research Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Graduation Thesis Research A
Advanced Practical Research in Science and Technology Ⅰ・Ⅱ
Subject Group 1
Required ■1st year
Fundamentals of Mathematics Ⅰ・Ⅱ
■2nd year
Linear Algebra Ⅱ
Differential Equations I
Analysis Ⅱ
Required Electives ■2nd year
Elementary Algebra and its Applications
Probability Theory and Statistics
Analysis Ⅲ
Linear Algebra Ⅲ
Set Theory and General Topology
Computational Mathematics
Analysis ⅡB
Algebra Ⅰ
Geometry Ⅰ
Complex Analysis I
■3rd year
Differential Equations Ⅱ
Geometry Ⅱ
Analysis Ⅳ
Mathematical Statistics
Fourier Analysis
Algebra Ⅱ
Subject Group 2
Required Electives ■1st year
Exercises in Mathematics A・B
■2nd year
Exercise Session (Differential Equations I)
Exercise Session (Analysis Ⅱ)
Exercise Session (Elementary Algebra and Applications)
Exercise Session (Linear Algebra Ⅱ)
Exercise Session (Analysis Ⅲ)
Exercise Session (Probability Theory and Statistics)
Exercise Session (Set Theory and General Topology)
Exercise Session (Algebra Ⅰ)
Exercise Session (Geometry Ⅰ)
Exercise Session (Analysis ⅡB)
Exercise Session (Complex Analysis I)
■3rd year
Applied Mathematics Ⅰ
Exercise Session (Analysis Ⅳ)
Exercise Session (Applied Mathematics Ⅰ)
Exercise Session (Fourier Analysis)
Exercise Session (Algebra Ⅱ)
Algebra ⅡB
Complex Analysis Ⅱ
Geometry Ⅲ
Financial Mathematics
Differential Equations Ⅲ
Applied Mathematics Ⅱ
Exercise Session (Algebra ⅡB)
Exercise Session (Geometry Ⅲ)
■4th year
Geometry Ⅳ
Analysis Ⅴ
Algebra Ⅲ
Elective Subjects
Electives ■2nd year
Chemistry Ⅲ
Modern Physics
■3rd year
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Fundamentals of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Practical Research in Science and Technology Ⅰ・Ⅱ
■4th year
Philosophy of Science
The Aoyama Standard Subjects
1st - 4th year :

School-wide universal education system where experts in wide-ranging academic fields transcending the framework of colleges/schools and departments stimulate interest in learning and provide guidance.

Foreign Language Subjects
[ 1st Foreign Language ] 1st year :

English Core I-a, I-b, I-c, I-d

2nd year :

English Core II-a, II-b, II-c, II-d

3rd year :

Active Speaking Skills A, B , Advanced Skills A, B , English Comprehension A, B , English for Engineers A, B , Study Abroad A, B

Free Elective Subjects
1st - 4th year :

Students can freely select from departmental subjects, Aoyama Standard Subjects, Foreign Language Subjects (take at least minimum credits required), subjects of other departments in the College of Science and Engineering, as well as subjects offered by other colleges.