Exchange students (undergraduate) are required to take at least 14 credits per semester at AGU (at least 10 hours of class time per week) to maintain their student visa status. Graduate students are required to register for at least one course (2 credits) in their graduate school.
The majority of the courses are 2 credits per semester. Each class period is 90 minutes-long and one semester consists of 15 weeks of classes.

Please check the syllabus of each class from the syllabus search engine below:

1. Courses for Exchange Students

Japanese Courses offered especially for Exchange Students are as follows:
- Japanese (A), (B), (C), (D)(日本語):Credited course. 1 class each per week, 4 classes in total per week (1 credit each, 4 credits in total) . Students with JLPT N4 level or above can take credited Japanese language courses.
- Society and Culture of Japan(日本の社会と文化) (A) to (N): 2credits per class
- Japanology(日本学):1 class per week(2 credits)
- Japanese language class taught in English (non-credit): 10 times per semester

Credited Japanese lauguage courses are taken according to levels of ability. The levels are decided after taking the Placement Test before arrival. These courses are offered as under undergraduate courses.

2. Courses taught in Japanese (Undergraduate)

Exchange students may also take other regular courses taught in Japanese with local degree-seeking students, as long as they have the necessary Japanese language abilities and the courses are not restricted.
Exchange students at AGU must choose a School/College in which they will mainly study when applying. However, they may choose to take courses from other Schools/Colleges as long as those courses are open to exchange students.

3. Courses taught in English (Undergraudate)

Please refer below for courses taught in English and International Program for Japan Studies (IPJS) courses.