Department of Global Studies and Collaboration

Department of Global Studies and Collaboration

Our goal is to cultivate human resources who possess a strong educational background and high level of specialized knowledge in the social sciences, with a special focus on the rapidly growing Southeast Asia region.

Globalization has advanced so far, that it is now a part of our daily life in everything from culinary culture to clothes and daily necessities. As our cultures become increasingly shared on a worldwide scale, our society must face a number of challenging 21st-century issues. These include discrimination, poverty, armed conflicts and disputes, educational inequity, disparities in information availability, environmental destruction, and human rights issues. The Department of Global Studies and Collaboration equips students with the knowledge that will enable them to address these problems, and the skills to transform their ideas into action.

Our Department takes an interdisciplinary approach around four learning “clusters”. “Collaboration” explores the nature of armed conflicts and disputes; “Business” aims to overcome poverty through studies about employment and methods of industry creation; “Media and Spatial Information” looks into what is happening around the world, including the lack of information infrastructure in certain areas, and selective information dissemination; and “Sociology” seeks to elucidate the current state of discrimination, and the mechanisms that drive it. Pursuing studies in these four areas simultaneously, enable students to acquire the knowledge required to pursue activities in a wide range of fields.

Campus of Attendance

First Year to Fourth Year :


Fields of study are divided into modules, each of which comprises three to four different courses. By combining multiple modules, students can choose classes and design their own curriculum, customized to suit their personal interests or academic paths they wish to pursue.

Required Credits for Graduation / 124 Credits
Specialized Subjects

(Courses shown in bold are required; others are optional.)

Category Subjects
Study Skill Module Group
  • Writing Research Papers
  • Introduction to Leadership Studies I (Seminar)
  • Introduction to Leadership Studies II (Seminar)
  • Seminar of Communication
  • Seminar of Business Manner
  • Study Abroad Seminar
  • Introduction to Web and IT
  • Web Communication
  • A First Step to Spatial Information Systems
  • Asian Languages and Cultures III : Modern Thai History
  • Asian Languages and Cultures IV :ASEAN Culture Basic
  • Principles of Japanese
  • Teaching Methods of Japanese
  • Writing Techniques
Fundamental Module Group
  • Global Studies and Collaboration I
  • Global Studies and Collaboration II
  • Workshops with AGU Alumni: Life Planning
  • Global Interactivity - Workshops by Leading Business Professionals
  • Introduction to the Theory of Global Citizenship
  • Introduction to Logical Thinking
  • Introduction to Critical Thinking
  • Introduction to Rhetoric
  • Introduction to Creativity
  • Introduction to Social Inquires and Methods
  • Basic Seminar
  • Fieldwork
  • Field Study I
  • Field Study II
Introductory Module Group Media / Spatial Information Cluster
  • History of Japanese Journalism
  • Introduction to Media Theory
  • Introduction to Spatial Information Systems I
  • Introduction to Spatial Information Systems II
Sociology Cluster
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Introduction to Social Psychology
  • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Collaboration Cluster
  • Introduction to Political Science
  • Introduction to International Cooperation
  • Introduction to International Development
Business Cluster
  • Introduction to Economics
  • Basic Statistics
  • Introduction to Asian Economies
  • Introduction to the Economy of Japan
Basic Module Group
  • Media Law and Ethics
  • The Journalistic Mind
  • Social Media Communities
  • Basic Spatial Information Science I
  • Basic Spatial Information Science II
  • Basic Spatial Information Design
  • Spatial Thinking
  • Global Opinion Trend
  • Cultural Resources and Media
  • Global Media and Communications
  • Spatial Information Acquisition
  • Spatial Information Representation
  • Spatial Information Sharing
  • Theories of Sociology
  • Globalization Studies
  • Sociology of Population
  • Sociology of Family
  • Sociology of Gender
  • Japanese Study for Global Health
  • Health and Social Informatics
  • Environment and Health
  • Social Research Basics I
  • Social Research Basics II
  • Statistics with Computer
  • Poverty and Development
  • International Relations
  • Human Security
  • Area Studies of Northeast Asia
  • Area Studies of Southeast Asia
  • Area Studies of South Asia
  • Comparative Cultural Studies
  • History and Culture in Asia
  • Politics and Culture in Asia
  • International Economics
  • International Finance and Trade
  • International Trade and Investment
  • Economics of Collaboration
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Micro-Economics
  • Macro-Economics
  • Basic Econometrics
Advanced Module Group Media / Spatial Information Cluster
  • News Reporting Practices
  • News Writing
  • Interviewing: Principles and Practices
  • Spatial Surveying and Measurement
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Land Use and Location
  • Current Issues of Japan
  • Intellectual Property and Public Interests
  • Media and Currents in Thought
  • Sports, Entertainment, and Media
  • Applied Spatial Information Science I
  • Applied Spatial Information Science II
  • Applied Spatial Information Science III
  • Special Lecture M (I)
  • Special Lecture M (II)
  • Special Lecture SI (I)
  • Special Lecture SI (II)
Sociology Cluster
  • Sociology of Coexistence
  • Sociology of Culture
  • Sociology of Education
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Sociology of Environment
  • Sociology of Region
  • Sociology of Politics
  • Sociology of Welfare
  • Theories of Contemporary Society
  • Contemporary Thought
  • Cross-National Comparison
  • Social Change
  • Social Stratification
  • Social Network
  • Social Research Methods I
  • Social Research Methods II
  • Practice of Social Research I
  • Practice of Social Research II
  • Special Lecture S (I)
  • Special Lecture S (II)
  • Special Lecture S (III)
Collaboration Cluster
  • International Organizations
  • Designing International Cooperation
  • Approaches to International Cooperation
  • Sustainable Development
  • Social and Human Development
  • Regional Development
  • Global Environment and Resources Management
  • Natural Disasters and Risk Management
  • Conflicts, Refugees, and Peace-Building
  • International Cultural Relations
  • Interculturalism
  • Empowerment
  • Dynamics of Art, Culture, and Communities
  • Performing Arts and Community
  • Sports and Community Workshops
  • Special Lecture C (I)
  • Special Lecture C (II)
  • Special Lecture C (III)
Business Cluster
  • Asian Development Strategies I
  • Asian Development Strategies II
  • Development Strategies for African Countries
  • Development Strategies for Latin-American Countries
  • Contemporary History of Asian Economies
  • Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Integration
  • Country Risk Analysis
  • Agriculture in Asia
  • Infrastructure for Asian Connectivity
  • Urban Infrastructure in Asia
  • International Business and Strategic Management
  • Asian Business Theory
  • Hospitality Management
  • Tourism in Asia
  • Tourism Management
  • Special Lecture B (I)
  • Special Lecture B (II)
  • Special Lecture B (III)
Capstone Module Group
  • Seminar I A
  • Seminar I B
  • Seminar II A
  • Seminar II B
  • Undergraduate Thesis: Development and Practice
  • Internship Project I
  • Internship Project II
  • Leadership Workshop I
  • Leadership Workshop II
Japan Studies
  • Topics in Japanese Geography I
  • Topics in Japanese Geography II
  • Topics in Japanese Geography III
  • Topics in Japanese Geography IV
  • Topics in Japanese History I
  • Topics in Japanese History II
  • Topics in Japanese History III
  • Topics in Japanese History IV
  • Topics in Japanese Culture I
  • Topics in Japanese Culture II
  • Topics in Japanese Culture III
  • Topics in Japanese Culture IV
  • Topics in Japanese Economy, Business, and Policy I
  • Topics in Japanese Economy, Business, and Policy II
  • Topics in Japanese Economy, Business, and Policy III
  • Topics in Japanese Economy, Business, and Policy IV
The Aoyama Standard Subjects
1st - 4th year :

School-wide universal education system where experts in wide-ranging academic fields transcending the framework of colleges/schools and departments stimulate interest in learning and provide guidance.

Foreign Language Required Subjects
1st year :

Academic English (Speaking & Listening) I and II
Academic English (Reading & Writing) I and II

2nd year :

Academic English (Applied Skills)
Academic English (Advanced)

Foreign Language Elective Subjects
1st - 4th year :

Asian Languages and Cultures I:Basic Thai
Asian Languages and Cultures II: Intermediate Thai

Free Elective Subjects
1st - 4th year :

Students can freely select from departmental subjects, Aoyama Standard Subjects, Foreign Language Subjects (take at least minimum credits required), as well as subjects offered by other colleges.



    Fuchinobe 5-10-1, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara Kanagawa, JAPAN. ZIP:252-5258

    Approximately 7 minutes on foot from Yokohama line “Fuchinobe station”
    ※Please refrain from coming to the Sagamihara campus by car.


    School of Global Studies and Collaboration (GSC),
    Aoyama Gakuin University

    Academic Affairs Division
    Sagamihara Campus Administration Department, Aoyama Gakuin University
    Address: 5-10-1 Fuchinobe, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5258, Japan

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