- ホーム
- 学生生活
- 障がい学生支援センター
- 教職員の皆様へ
- Protocols in the Event of an Emergency
Protocols in the Event of an Emergency
- MENU -
Protocols in the Event of an Emergency
In the event of an emergency on campus, if there are students close to you who have difficulty evacuating by themselves, please call out to them and check on their safety. For students with hearing and physical disabilities, please help them so they may be able to get to the 1st evacuation site safely. Please ask others around you for assistance.
Points to remember for evacuation by the types of disability
Students with Visual Disabilities
- Supporters give information orally regarding the evacuation procedure, evacuation route and circumstances etc.
- While evacuating, please be very careful with steps, cracks, obstacles (overhead, overhangs, etc.)
- When leading student with visual disabilities, ask them to grab your upper arm near the elbow or supporters should walk in front of them.
Students with Physical Disabilities
- For students with wheelchairs two people, one in the front and one in the back, are needed to evacuate the student.
- Move together in groups with two or more helpers.
- If there is only one person available to help, that person should carry the student on their back to evacuate.
- Additional helpers should fold and carry any wheelchairs available, however the priority should be to evacuate the student.
- For evacuation by stairs, use the "S-CAPEPLUS" emergency evacuation mattress.
- If there is stretcher on the ground floor consider using it.
Students with Hearing Disabilities
- Supporters must accurately communicate explanations and instructions from the instructors during the class and relay the audio information such as the in-campus broadcast to students in a visible form. For example, by typing out the information on smartphones, tablets, hand writing information on whiteboards, or on their hands, or even using gestures, etc.
- Prepare a small whiteboard to provide information to students at the first evacuation area.
Students with Developmental Disorders
- When instructing everyone on how to evacuate, announce instructions clearly and concisely with visual information and short oral instructions.
- If there are students do not fully understand what is being said, instruct them individually.
- If students find it difficult to evacuate by themselves, instruct them to evacuate together with staff or with fellow students.